
At Aflofarm, all our medicinal products are manufactured in accordance with the standards of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certificates. It is a practice that ensures that the medicinal product and the active substance are manufactured and controlled according to their intended use and in accordance with the requirements contained in their specifications and documents that constitute the basis for granting a marketing authorization for a medicinal product.

GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certificates - for the Aflofarm manufacturing site in Pabianice, Ksawerów and Rzgów. Certification of medicinal products is issued by the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector, and confirms compliance with the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices

dla wytwórni w Pabianicach, Rzgowie i Ksawerowie. Certyfikacja wydana przez Głównego Inspektora Farmaceutycznego potwierdza zgodność warunków importu z wymaganiami Dobrej Praktyki Dystrybucyjnej substancji czynnych

for the test medicinal products with the requirements of good manufacturing practices (certificate for Rzgów and Ksawerów).


Good Manufacturing Practice confirms the compliance of manufacturing conditions with the GMP requirements. It is issued to the manufacturer/importer of medicinal products, test medicinal products or the manufacturer of active substances.


including: Regevagia, Entil burns, Entil bites, Revaxil hydrogel, Calominal, Herbapect junior, Calominal duo, Herbapect junior bez cukru confirming compliance with the Medical Directive.


Good Manufacturing Practice for cosmetic products.


Medical devices Quality management system


Dobra Praktyka Produkcyjna w produkcji suplementów diety


W celu odnalezienia interesujących cię certyfikatów podaj nazwę preparatu w polu wyszukiwania znajdującym się powyżej.