Aflofarm portfolio now features the new OTC come-in medicinal product under the trade name Luminastil with  diphenhydramine hydrochloride as active substance which is known to cause drowsiness and have sedative effect

It is indicated as a short term sleep aid in occasional incidents of  sleeplessness in adults struggling with getting asleep or having difficulty in maintaining sleep. The active substance is diphenhydramine 50 mg. Luminastil has been designed to work after just 15 minutes to shorten the falling-asleep time. With fast-action effect, Luminastil lasts for 4 to 6 hours to help manage night awakenings and enjoy sound sleep. Notably, Luminastil does not cause drowsiness the next day at wake-up so that you can kickstart your daytime activities with the right energy levels.  

Luminastil is contraindicated beyond 7 days of use if not consulted with a physician or a doctor. Not suitable for children and adolescents under 18 years.  

Before use, answer all questions in the patient information leaflet to check whether Luminastil is safe for you.