Medispirant bloker spray
Medispirant bloker spray is a specialist anti-perspirant product that eliminates sweating for up to 7 days. Medispirant effectively and permanently blocks the secretion of sweat. Medispirant provides an antibacterial effect, thus protecting the skin from the formation of unpleasant odor. Medispirant is gentle to the skin. The fragrance-free formula contains neither alcohol nor parabens, including those permitted in cosmetics.
Category Cosmetics
Marketing Authorization Holder
Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Spółka z o.o.
Information for the consumer
Cosmetics are substances intended for external contact with the human body: skin, hair, lips, nails, external genitals, teeth and mucous membranes of the mouth, used solely or principally for their purity, care, protection, perfumery or beautification.
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