Apetizer Junior, raspberry and currant flavour
Apetizer Junior is a special combination of vitamins and herbal extracts specially formulated for young fussy eaters. The product contains Fennel fruit extract which stimulates appetite, Chicory root extract which helps maintain healthy bowels, Anise fruit extract which supports digestion and peppermint extract which helps maintain healthy gastrointestinal functions in children.
Recommended for children over 3 years of age.
Apetizer Junior o raspberry and currant flavour will appeal to even the fussiest of eaters. Apetizer Junior raspberry and currant flavour has pleasant taste and ingredients which support healthy digestive system.
Pharmaceutical form Liquid. 100 ml
Pharmaceutical form Liquid. 100 ml
Category Dietary suplement
Odwiedź stronę produktu apetizer.plproduktyapetizer-syrop-malinowo-porzeczkowy
Additional information
For children over 3 years of age.
10 ml of syrup contains: Anise fruit extract 16.7 mg, Peppermint extract 16.7 mg, Chicory root extract 16.7 mg, Fennel fruit extract 11.0 mg, Thiamin (vitamin B1) 0.64 mg(58%)* Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 0.7 mg (50%)*, Vitamin B6 0.7 mg (50%)*, Niacin 8 mg niacin equivalents (50%)*,
*% of Dietary Reference Values
Marketing Authorisation Holder
Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Spółka z o.o.
Information for the consumer
Food supplements should not be used as substitutes for a varied and well-balanced diet. A varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are essential for good health.

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