Diohespan max
Diohespan max is a varicose vein medicine containing 1000 mg of diosmin in each single tablet – a maximum dose available in OTC products. Diohespan max increases venous tone and protects blood vessels. It is indicated to treat varicose veins, heavy legs feeling, nocturnal leg cramps, haemorrhoids and bedsores related to obstructed blood flow to the tissues. Diohespan max supports microcirculation by reducing the permeability of small blood vessels, perivascular inflammation, microcirculatory stasis and susceptibility to small blood vessel rupture. Diohespan max increases lymphatic drainage by enhancing lymphatic motility and stimulating lymph flow.
Category OTC
Active substance
A single tablet contains 1000 mg of diosmin (Diosminum).
Chronic venous insufficiency of the lower limbs (varicose veins): heavy legs, leg pains, nocturnal leg cramps, pressure ulcers (bedsores) due to obstructed blood flow to the tissues. Symptomatic treatment in the exacerbation of haemorrhoids.
Allergy (hypersensitivity) to diosmin or to any of the other ingredients in the product.
Marketing Authorisation Holder
Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Spółka z o.o.
Marketing Authorisation
Information for the patient
Read the package leaflet for indications, contraindications, side effects, dosage as well as information on the use of this product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist before use. Misusing medicines may be dangerous to your life or health.
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