Belissa Sun
Belissa Sun is a food supplement recommended for those who want to protect their skin when sunbathing and ensure proper pigmentation. Belissa Sun contains Acti-Bronze formula with the maximum recommended dose of beta carotene.* It is also enriched with L-tyrosine and copper which support proper skin pigmentation. *the maximum acceptable level of beta carotene approved by the European Commission (European Commission. Health & Consumer Protection Directorate-General. Orientation Paper on the setting of maximum and minimum amounts for vitamins and minerals in foodstuffs. Document prepared by Directorate-General Health and Consumer Protection, July 2007.)
Category Dietary suplement
Odwiedź stronę produktu www.belissa.pl
Additional information
Beta-carotene, L-tyrosine, copper, common horsetail extract, green tea extract, vitamin C, vitamin E
Marketing Authorisation Holder
Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Spółka z o.o.
Marketing Authorisation
Information for the consumer
Food supplements should not be used as substitutes for a varied and well-balanced diet. A varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are essential for good health.

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