Lipomal has been traditionally used to treat fever and as a complementary drug in the treatment of common cold, cough and throat inflammations.
Category OTC
Odwiedź stronę produktu www.lipomal.pl
Additional information
Active substance
5 ml of syrup contains 97.089 mg of dry extracts from Tilia Cordata Miller, Tilia Platyphyllos Scop., Tilia Vulgaris Heyne or their mixtures, inflorescentia (linden inflorescence) (6-7:1), of which 85% native extract. Extraction solvent: ethanol 40% V/V.
Lipomal is as a mild diaphoretic agent (sweat inducer) traditionally used in fever. It is also a complementary drug in the treatment of common cold, cough and throat inflammations.
Do not use Lipomal if your child is allergic to any of the ingredients in the product. Lipomal contains sugar (10 ml of syrup contains 8 g of sucrose). Do not use Lipomal in diabetic patients.
Marketing Authorisation Holder
Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Spółka z o.o.
Marketing Authorisation
Information for the patient
Read the package leaflet for indications, contraindications, side effects, dosage as well as information on the use of this product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist before use. Misusing medicines may be dangerous to your life or health.
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